Neues Fördermitglied: PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH

PRISMA is the major marketplace in Europe for booking and trading gas capacity. We facilitate European gas market integration by operating a gas capacity trading platform.

Warum seid ihr Fördermitglied der JUG Saxony geworden?

„At PRISMA, we believe in the power of communities and sharing knowledge. We open our doors in Leipzig for meet-ups and initiatives which help us to get better and learn from each other. In September, our team gave a talk at JUG Day Saxony and they had a great day. We are looking forward to even foster the collaboration with JUG Saxony.“

Schau auf der Profilseite der PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH vorbei und erfahre mehr über das Unternehmen und dessen aktuelle Job-Angebote.

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