(Virtuelles) 149. Treffen: GraalVM Native Image

Do, 17.11.2022 · 19:00 Uhr · Online

Kris Foster  

·  Oracle

Kris Foster has been working in software development for over 20 years, a large part of that work building applications on the JVM as an independent consultant. He currently works in the Product Management team for GraalVM helping to build Labs, Demos & Workshops that showcase the GraalVM platform.

Fabio Niephaus  

·  Oracle

Fabio Niephaus is a researcher on the GraalVM team at Oracle Labs. He is passionate about developer tools, programming languages, and virtual machines and, therefore, focuses on developer experience and tools for GraalVM including Native Image and GraalPy.


Die Aufzeichnung des Vortrages findest Du in unserem Vimeo Kanal.
149. Treffen: GraalVM Native Image



Dieser Vortrag findet virtuell über die Plattform ClickMeeting statt. Die Zugangsdaten sind in der Anmeldebestätigung per E-Mail enthalten.

We will be having the following talks in English:

Low Footprint Java Containers for Cloud, Using GraalVM Native Image

Java is everywhere, but when containerising your Java application your containers can use a lot of resources, more than you might like. In this session we are going to look at how we can build a low footprint native executable from a demo application, using GraalVM Native Image, deploy it to Kubernetes and then compare it (in terms of performance, memory consumption and package size) to the same application running on Java. We will see that we can deploy Java applications to the cloud that are very resource efficient.

GraalVM Native Image – To Infinity and Beyond

In this talk, we are taking the latest GraalVM Native Image for a spin. We start with a look at some new features of GraalVM Native Image and JDK 19. Then, we show how to turn a Maven project into a native executable that starts up fast, has a low memory footprint, and is easy to deploy. Finally, we demonstrate how to set up a CI/CD pipeline for it using GitHub Actions. We’d like the session to be as interactive as possible and thus encourage the audience to ask questions and influence the direction and focus of the talk.


Unter allen Teilnehmenden verlosen wir einmal das Buch „Werde ein Data Head“ von Alex J. Gutman und Jordan Goldmeier, ein Exemplar von „Prinzipien des Softwaredesigns“ von John Ousterhout und einmal das Buch „Spring Boot“ von Mark Heckler. Alle drei Bücher sind im O’Reilly Verlag erschienen. Der Verlag unterstützt unsere Veranstaltung als Preissponsor.


Wir werden unterstützt von unserem Fördermitglied, der T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH. Vielen Dank für Euren Support! Mehr zur T-Systems MMS findest Du im Unternehmensprofil.

(Virtuelles) 149. Treffen: GraalVM Native Image

Do, 17.11.2022 · 19:00 Uhr · Online


Die Aufzeichnung des Vortrages findest Du in unserem Vimeo Kanal.
149. Treffen: GraalVM Native Image



Dieser Vortrag findet virtuell über die Plattform ClickMeeting statt. Die Zugangsdaten sind in der Anmeldebestätigung per E-Mail enthalten.

We will be having the following talks in English:

Low Footprint Java Containers for Cloud, Using GraalVM Native Image

Java is everywhere, but when containerising your Java application your containers can use a lot of resources, more than you might like. In this session we are going to look at how we can build a low footprint native executable from a demo application, using GraalVM Native Image, deploy it to Kubernetes and then compare it (in terms of performance, memory consumption and package size) to the same application running on Java. We will see that we can deploy Java applications to the cloud that are very resource efficient.

GraalVM Native Image – To Infinity and Beyond

In this talk, we are taking the latest GraalVM Native Image for a spin. We start with a look at some new features of GraalVM Native Image and JDK 19. Then, we show how to turn a Maven project into a native executable that starts up fast, has a low memory footprint, and is easy to deploy. Finally, we demonstrate how to set up a CI/CD pipeline for it using GitHub Actions. We’d like the session to be as interactive as possible and thus encourage the audience to ask questions and influence the direction and focus of the talk.


Unter allen Teilnehmenden verlosen wir einmal das Buch „Werde ein Data Head“ von Alex J. Gutman und Jordan Goldmeier, ein Exemplar von „Prinzipien des Softwaredesigns“ von John Ousterhout und einmal das Buch „Spring Boot“ von Mark Heckler. Alle drei Bücher sind im O’Reilly Verlag erschienen. Der Verlag unterstützt unsere Veranstaltung als Preissponsor.


Wir werden unterstützt von unserem Fördermitglied, der T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH. Vielen Dank für Euren Support! Mehr zur T-Systems MMS findest Du im Unternehmensprofil.

Kris Foster  

·  Oracle

Kris Foster has been working in software development for over 20 years, a large part of that work building applications on the JVM as an independent consultant. He currently works in the Product Management team for GraalVM helping to build Labs, Demos & Workshops that showcase the GraalVM platform.

Fabio Niephaus  

·  Oracle

Fabio Niephaus is a researcher on the GraalVM team at Oracle Labs. He is passionate about developer tools, programming languages, and virtual machines and, therefore, focuses on developer experience and tools for GraalVM including Native Image and GraalPy.